
Erwin Speckter (1806–1835), zugeschrieben, nach Raffael,  eigentlich Raffaello Santi oder Sanzio (1483–1520) Merkur schwebt vom Olymp herab, (Kopie nach der Figur in der Loggia der Villa Farnesina, Rom), 1830/35  Gouache, 580 x 442 mm (Blatt) © Hamburger Kunsthalle, Kupfer-stichkabinett / bpk Foto: Christoph Irrgang

The Impact of a Genius

To mark the 500th anniversary of the death of Raphael (1483–1520), the Ham-burger Kunsthalle is commemorating the life, work and influence of the outstanding Renaissance artist with an exhibition featuring numerous drawings, prints, photographs and books from its own collection. Raphael was the superstar of his day, going from strength to strength during his brief lifetime as popes and other high dignitaries entrusted him with the most prestigious commissions in the land. With his paintings and frescoes, this fascinating master set new standards for European art that would endure for centuries. No other artist achieved such a far-reaching impact. The exhibition focuses on five exquisite hand drawings by Raphael. These figure studies emphatically demonstrate his virtuoso observation of nature and his mastery of various techniques. The sheets are important prelimnary studies for paintings that would later grace the walls of prominent buildings such as the Vatican. Also on view will be five superb drawings by artists in Raphael’s immediate orbit that likewise illustrate the extremely high level attained by Italian drawing in the Renaissance. Another highlight of the show is a series of reproductions of Raphael’s major frescoes and paintings in the form of magnificent engravings and etchings, including key works of world art such as the Sistine Madonna, The School of Athens and the Transfiguration.

A catalogue with extensive commentary will be published to accompany the exhibition.

The exhibition is under the patronage of Schirmherrschaft des Generalkonsultas von Italien in  Hannover (the Consulate General of Italy in Hanover).

Supported by: Hubertus Wald Stiftung, Freunde der Kunsthalle e. V., Hans-Otto und Engelke Schümann Stiftung, Herbert-Pumplün-Stiftung