
We look forward to your visit, take care!

Please note that the parking garage in the Galerie der Gegenwart is closed until October 31, 2024 due to renovation work

Hamburger Kunsthalle

Opening Hours

10 am – 6 pm 
10 am – 9 pm
Thursday on/before public holidays 
10 am – 6 pm
Date Day of the week Hours Occasion
01 May 2024 Wednesday 12 pm - 6 pm Labour Day
09 May 2024 Thursday 10 am - 6 pm Ascension Day
19 May 2024 Sunday 10 am - 6 pm Whit Sunday
20 May 2024 Monday 10 am - 6 pm Whit Monday
03 Oct 2024 Thursday 10 am - 6 pm Day of the German Unity
31 Oct 2024 Thursday 10 am - 6 pm Reformation Day
24 Dec 2024 Tuesday closed Chrismas Eve
25 Dec 2024 Wednesday closed 1. Chrismas Day
26 Dec 2024 Thursday 10 am - 6 pm Boxing Day  
31 Dec 2024 Tuesday 10 am - 3 pm New Year`s Eve
01 Jan 2025 Wednesday 12 pm - 6 pm New Year

Information without guarantee.




Admission Prices




16 €

Short evening visit

5 pm to 6 pm / Thur 5 pm to 9 pm



8 €

5 €

concessions for:
pupils, apprentices, trainees and university students, Federal Voluntary Service and FSJ (Voluntary social year) (from 18 to 29 years)  
unemployment benefit claimants, social welfare recipients, seriously disabled persons, Tourismusverband Hamburg


8 €

Children & Youth
aged 17 and younger

0 €





8 or more, per person
The group tickets must be paid by one person in order to get the concession.
Groups must register from a group size of 8 persons.

14 €

Family Ticket Child/Children + 1 Adult 14 €
Hamburg Card   11 €
ArtCard (art)   8 €
Entry into the Library
without visting the museum
Hamburg City Pass   free
Every 1st Thursday of the month from 6 pm to 9 pm (for all visitors).* This does not include a visit to the C. D. Friedrich exhibition.
Children and young people aged 17 and younger
School classes for a booked tour, necessary accompanying teachers (usually 1-2)
Students: Art History; HfbK University of Fine Arts Hamburg; HAW University of Applied Sciences, Department of Design 

Association members
Upon showing a valid ID card Berufsverband Bildender Künstler (BBK), Bund Deutscher Kunsterzieher (BDK), ICOM (International Council of Museums), BVGD (Bundesverband der Gästeführer Deutschland e.V.),  Deutscher Museumsbund e.V.,  Deutscher Verband für Kunstgeschichte e.V., AICA (International Association of Art Critics), Verband Deutscher Restauratoren (VDR), Ulmer Verein

Freunde der Kunsthalle e. V., Malschule der Kunsthalle,  »Die Meisterzeichnung« - Freunde des Hamburger Kupferstichkabinetts e. V.



  • Necessary companions for disabled visitors.
  • Holders of a valid press ID Card

Other Cooperations
Sotheby's Preferred, Deutsche Bank ArtCard, Goethe Institut

Golden Friday
Fridays for senior citizens aged 65 and older
admission includes coffee/tea and a slice of pie (available 2.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. in the Café The Liebermann          



Art & Cube
Saturday + Sunday, Lunch with Tours 
Reservation in The Restaurant THE CUBE required. +49-(0)40-30375196


Kunstmeilen Ticket

1 ticket – 6 x art – valid for 12 months. Entitles to one visit to each of the following institutions: Bucerius Kunstforum, Deichtorhallen, Hamburger Kunsthalle, Kunsthaus Hamburg Kunstverein Hamburg, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe. Available for purchase at any Kunstmeile institution ticket counter.

Regular 42€ 
concessions 27 €
HamburgCard or Art Card 33,50€

3-Day-Ticket from Kunstmeile Hamburg

1 ticket – 6 x art – unlimited admission during three consecutive days

Regular 35 €
concessions 25 €
HamburgCard or Art Card 28 €

Barkassen-Meyer Combi-Ticket
Classic habour tour incl. visit to the Hamburger Kunsthalle.
Tickets only at Barkassen-Meyer, Landungsbrücken Br. 6 or online

Regular 25 €
Child 5 €

Themed tours 

Themed tours and Wednesdays guided,  participation excl. admisson

  4€ / 6€
    Children and young people (aged 17 and younger): free    
Family tour
Participation excl. Admission
Guided tours and events on Thursdays from 6 pm   included in the ticket (unless otherwise specified)     
Plus Admission 

Group admission for booked tours with more than 8 participants (max. 25), per person otherwise seperate, regular admissions


Groups must register from a group size of 8 persons.




    school classes from general education schools: free    

Tour for school classes


60 min. (necessary accompanying teachers free)
Introductory museum talk for school classes
90 min. (necessary accompanying teachers free)
Museum talk for school classes with hands-on activity
90 min. (necessary accompanying teachers free)
Museum talk for school classes
long, 120 min. (necessary accompanying teachers free)
Project for school classes with hands-on activity
180 min. (necessary accompanying teachers free
Introductory talk for groups of adults
60 min
Museum talk for groups of adults
90 min. 
Museum talk for groups of adults
120 min. 
Surcharge for foreign languages
Tours available in English, French, Russian, Italian and Spanish by request. 
Surcharge for Sundays / holidays   10€
Children's birthday party
120 min
Children's birthday party
180 min
Licensed tours
Booking via phone 040-428131-200, besucherbuero[at],
Licence 20€ + admission, no all-inclusive group admission rate
NOTE: The group size for any guided tours is currently limited to 10 people + tour guide, licence fee currently does not apply, admission 14 € per person


Do you have further questions about your visit? You will find the answers in our FAQ.



Orientation for visitors


Here the visitors will find...

  • Tickets
  • Cloakroom
  • Locker
  • All Groups
  • All Guided Tours
  • Rental Muitimedia Guide
  • Shop
  • Café Liebermann
  • Werner Otto Hall

ENTRANCE Gallery of Contemporary Art

Here the visitors will find...

  • Fast entrance with online tickets
  • Ticket Machine with card payment
  • Only Locker
  • No Loan of Multimedia Guide
  • Access Café Restaurant THE CUBE
  • Drinks from the THE CUBE can be taken into the foyer


StadtRAD (city bike)

The StadtRAD (city bike) service is run by the City of Hamburg and is a great way to get around. One of the many StadtRAD docking stations is located on the forecourt of the main railway station (»Hauptbahnhof«). For further information visit 

Public Transit HVV

The Hamburger Kunsthalle is located next to Hamburg’s main railway station (»Hauptbahnhof«). There are various public transport options available for visitors to the museum:
U-Bahn: Take the U1, U2 or U3 to »Hauptbahnhof«. The Kunsthalle is just a few minutes’ walk from the station.
S-Bahn: Take the S1, S2, S3, S11, S21 or S31 to »Hauptbahnhof« and walk the short distance to the museum.
Bus: Take the 112 bus to the stop »Hamburger Kunsthalle«.


By train

The Hamburger Kunsthalle is located next to the main railway station (»Hauptbahnhof«). To plan your train journey, please visit Deutsche Bahn.

By car

Take the A1, A7 or A24 and follow the directions to the City Centre (»Centrum«). The Hamburger Kunsthalle is located next to the main railway station (»Hauptbahnhof«). Paid parking for cars and motorbikes is available in the underground car park at the Gallery of Contemporary Art. The entrance to the car park is on Ferdinandstor (maximum vehicle height: 1.95 m).

PLEASE NOTE: Due to a construction site at Ferdinandstor, access to the paid parking garage below the Galerie der Gegenwart is currently only possible from the Outer Alster. In the period 14.03.2024 - 31.03.2024 and 16.05.2024 - 30.05.2024 there will be a full road closure at Ferdinandstor. In addition, the underground car park in the Galerie der Gegenwart will be closed from 14.03.2024 - 31.10.2024 due to renovation work. We recommend the use of public transport during this period.

Opening hours of the CAR PARK*
daily: 10-22 h
Night tariff: 22.01 - 05:59     10 €
Price: 4 € per 30 min or part thereof, maximum charge 30 € per day

*The opening hours refer to the entrance.  Exit is possible 24 hours a day.

Six AC charging stations for electric vehicles are now available in the "Parkhaus Kunsthalle".


By Airplaine

From Hamburg Airport, take the S-Bahn line S1 to the main railway station (»Hauptbahnhof«), which is just a few minute walk from the Hamburger Kunsthalle. The journey from the airport to the main station takes approximately 25 minutes. For timetables, a journey planner and further information visit

By Coaches

A bus stop for coaches will be located on Ernst-Merck-Str. (turning lane) in front of the Rotunda from 25 July 2022 due to a major construction site at Ferdinandstor. The parking time is limited to 15 min and is only for getting in and out.

Guided tours

Public as well as private, booked tours are possible again. The maximum group size is 15-25 people plus a facilitator.
Would you like to learn more about the art we show? Take part in one of our many guided tours and take advantage of our digital offerings.

Guided tours

We offer regular public tours of our permanent collection and our special exhibitions: Wednesdays at 12 noon focussing on a single artwork; more in-depth tours on Thursday evenings; Friday we offer THEMA DER WOCHE and tours of our large-scale exhibitions at the weekends. Children and families can engage with the art on show by taking part in our children’s or family-oriented tour FAMILIENZEIT (only in German). A full list of our public guided tours is available here

Unless otherwise noted, participation in a guided tour costs 4 € / 6 € plus museum admission.


Individual guided private tours for groups

Enhance your visit to the Hamburger Kunsthalle by booking a private tour. 

You can book a private tour online through the Museumsdienst Hamburg or by calling +49(0)40-428131-0.
For short-term bookings, please contact our visitor office via email or phone +49(0)40-428131-200.

Let one of our specially trained guides take you and your friends, family or colleagues on a tour of the permanent collection or one of the special exhibitions. Our team of art historians, artists and educators look forward to showing you around.

An 60 min private tour costs 75 € plus museum admission. Group admission (8 people or more) is granted from 8 persons . Groups may not exceed 25 people.
An 90 min private tour costs 93 € plus museum admission. Group admission (8 people or more) is granted from 8 persons. Groups may not exceed 25 people.

Special regulations may apply to particular exhibitions.  

Private tours can also be given in a number of other languages, including English, French, Russian, Italian and Spanish. In this case a foreign-language fee of 12 € will be charged.

For guided tours on Sundays and public holidays there is a surcharge of 12 €.

We offer specially designed guided tours for kindergarten and school groups.


Would you like to lead your day-care group or school class yourself? You are more than welcome to do so. In this case, the maximum group size is the same as the school class size (up to 30 people). Special arrangements may apply for certain exhibitions. Please register by calling +49(0)40-428131-0 or by sending an e-mail to info[at] Admission is free for registered day-care centre or school class visits, including the necessary chaperones.

To register, we need the name and address of the institution / age or grade level of the children or young people / full name of the responsible supervisor / number of participants as well as a telephone number and, if possible, an e-mail address.


Self-organized tours

You are of course welcome to give your own group a guided tour, but in this case we must charge a licence fee of 20 €. Groups may not exceed 25 people. Special regulations may apply to particular exhibitions. Group admission (8 people or more) costs  max. 14 € per person. Advance registration is required: besucherbuero[at] or Tel +49(0)40-428131-200.


Art & Cube – a combined guided tour and dining experience

Why not combine your museum visit with a delicious restaurant meal? On Saturdays and Sundays we offer »Art & Cube« in cooperation with the restaurant The Cube. For 48 € per person you can enjoy a 4-course menu and two guided tours of the permanent collection or a special exhibition. Tickets are available from the ticket counters in the Hamburger Kunsthalle or online. Please book your table at The Cube: Tel +49(0)40-30375196.  


You are welcome to visit the Hamburger Kunsthalle at any time and you don’t have to join one of our guided tours in order to gain fascinating background information on the works on display.  We offer guided tours (in English and German) to our collection  and to selected exhibitions. The audio guide is designed as an app »Hamburger Kunsthalle« for smartphones to accompany you through the exhibition, to prepare and/or to follow up your visit to the museum.

We offer guided tours of our collection (currently only in German) and to selected exhibitions. The audio guide is designed as an app, »Hamburger Kunsthalle«, for smartphones to accompany you through the exhibition or to prepare and/or follow up your visit of the museum (free download or device available in the foyer of the Kunsthalle for 6 €). At around 30 stations, historical, social and political backgrounds as well as genesis stories for selected works of art, provenances and references to special art-technological features are provided.

Read, Browse, Shop, Eat & Drink

Café & Restaurant

Das Liebermann

Opening Hours
Tue - Sun 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Wednesday, 13.09.23 closed.
While visiting the museum, enjoy a drink or a snack in our café Das Liebermann in the impressive pillared hall of the Kunsthalle.  
Please note that visiting Das Liebermann requires museum admission.

Tel +49(0)40-30375196

Enjoy crossover cuisine with a regional focus in the restaurant The Cube, which is located in the Gallery of Contemporary Art and offers one of the best views of the Inner Alster Lake. The restaurant’s daytime menu includes a variety of snacks and lunch options, and in the evening The Cube offers an à la carte dinner menu.
Pop in anytime – The Cube is open to the public and does not require museum admission.

Opening hours

Closed from April 2 to April 11, 2024
Mon  closed
Tue, Wed, Fr, Sun  11.30 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Thur 11.30 am - 9 p.m.
Sa, 11.30 a.m. - 6.30 p.m.

Tel +49(0)40-30375196

The Cube

Museum Shop

The museum shop in the foyer of the Hamburger Kunsthalle stocks a wide range of publications, stationery items and gift ideas inspired by the museum’s exhibitions and collections. Besides catalogues, illustrated books and scholarly publications on visual art and related subjects, you will find a large selection of posters, postcards and artists’ editions, as well as unusual design items and drawing materials.
The museum shop is run by the Freunde der Kunsthalle.
Pop in anytime – the museum shop is open to the public and does not require museum admission.

Opening Hours
Visit our Online-Shop

Museum shop in the old building
Tue–Sun 10 am–6 pm
Thu 10 am–9 pm
Mon closed

Tel +49(0)40-428131-305


Kupferstichkabinett & Library

Holding more than 150,000 individual sheets of outstanding quality, the Kupferstichkabinett (Department of Prints, Drawings and Photography) at the Hamburger Kunsthalle has one of the finest and most important collections of graphic art in Europe.

Opening Hours in geneal
Tue and Wed  11 am–5 pm
Thu 11 a.m.- 8 pm

Graphic template:
Thu and  Fr  2.p.m. -5. p.m.

Admission: 2 €, free admission for school pupils and students


Visitor info

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Families & Children

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Kindergartens & Schools

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Group Visits

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