Current Exhibitions / Ends soon

Georges Adéagbo

has created a new work for the Hamburger Kunsthalle

Georges Adéagbo (*1942 in Cotonou, Benin) creates site-specific installations that interweave postcards, newspaper clippings, posters, books, clothing, and handwritten material with sculptures and paintings from Benin. In his assemblages – whether in his studio in Benin, in hotel rooms, or as part of exhibitions – Adéagbo combines different pictorial systems, linking things together in an Aby Warburg-like way of making connections. This creates a »poetry of analogies« in the vein of Paul Valéry.

In his work created especially for the Hamburger Kunsthalle, Adéagbo combines this homage to Aby Warburg with objects and stories from Benin, and sets ideas on a cross-cultural journey. He also creates a narrative thread linking the history of the museum building with portraits painted in Benin of former Kunsthalle directors, including Alfred Lichtwark and Uwe M. Schneede. Johann Heinrich Füssli’s painting »The Avenger« (1806/07) from the Kunsthalle collection gains a completely new dimension in the copy painted by Benoît Adanoumè, who produced the work in Benin at Adéagbo’s request, revealing that decolonization and the fight against racism are far from over.

Georges Adéagbo (*1942 in Cotonou, Benin) lives in Hamburg and Cotonou and works at exhibition venues all over the world. Adéagbo participated in Documenta 11 (2002) as well as the biennials in Dakar (1996), Johannesburg (1997), Sydney (1998), São Paulo (1998), Venice (1999 and 2009), Lyon (2000) and Shanghai (2016). On the occasion of his 80th birthday in 2022, the Ernst Barlach Haus in Hamburg recently dedicated a comprehensive solo exhibition to him.

Made possible by the Hamburger Kunstsammlungen Foundation, which acquired the installation for the Hamburger Kunsthalle.

Cultural partner: NDR Kultur
Media partner: Hamburger Abendblatt

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